American College Arcus

Philosophy and Mission


“The only constant in life is change.”



At American College Arcus Junior, we recognize the idea that the world is constantly changing – socially, culturally, demographically, and conceptually. This is precisely why the need for an alternative in education is urgent. Adaptation of each individual begins at the earliest stages of life. 

We live in a time when mere intelligence can sometimes create division, while what we truly need is rationality. True rationality goes beyond the standardization we're accustomed to; it encompasses soft skills such as empathy, time management, effective communication, adaptability, and the ability to manage our own emotions.

Children at this age need to embrace the idea that learning is an enjoyable process. That’s why we offer:

  • Incorporation of elements from the Waldorf methodology, applying an individualized approach to each child;
  • A custom-designed curriculum that aligns with state educational standards;
  • Emphasis on developing social and personal skills through role-playing, crafts, and arts activities;
  • Fostering a sense of community among children, teachers, and parents;
  • Building a strong, living connection with nature;
  • English teaching using the Suggestopedia method;
  • An evolving quest for goodness.